St. Mark's Episcopal Church

124 North Sylvia Street - Montesano, WA, 98563

Discernment Class

We have conducted a discernment group from November, 2009 to August, 2010, for anyone who wanted to find out more about themselves and their future ministry, in and outside St. Mark's. These 23 2-hour sessions have helped lead us toward starting a new study circle in January 2011, for those who decide to participate. We also worked with church member Sarah Monroe on her potential call to ordination and desire to go to seminary in the fall 2010.  We used a book called, "Listening Hearts, Discerning Call in Ministry." The book came with an accompanying study plan that took several sessions to complete. We also used some spiritual gifts and psychological profile surveys/tests, like Myers-Briggs for this class, and shared personal faith stories. We then discussed the Book of Common Prayer ordination services--questions, vows, and prayers. Then we reviewed and discussed the book, "Discerning Your Spiritual Gifts." This book had several exercises that helped us discuss our faith and get closer to our understanding of what our ministry in the church and world should be. 

Sessions Thirteen Thru Twenty-three--Book of Common Prayer Study, Book Exercises and Other Activities

The second eleven sessions, running about every other week from February 23 to August 24, 2010, covered discussion of some Ordination and Baptism sections of the Book of Common Prayer, some exercises from the book "Discerning Your Spiritual Gifts", and discussions about postulancy requirements and support documents for Sarah Monroe and next steps for St. Mark's discernment and possible study circle.

Sessions One Thru Twelve--Book Study and Other Tests/Surveys
The first twelve sessions, running almost weekly from November 8, 2009 to February 9, 2010, covered a study of the book, "Listening Hearts, Discerning Call in Community", plus some tests and surveys--Spiritual Gifts, Psychological Profile, Sacred Pathways--How We Connect with God.  We also shared our personal lives as Christians stories.